Monday, October 8, 2012

Salt River Canyon Trip

In March I had the opportunity to kayak the Salt River which runs through the center of Arizona from North East to South West.  The Agency I work for has management duties on the Salt River where it crosses Federal Lands, namely the Salt River Wilderness Area.  During the boating season the river Rangers float the river checking permits, campsites and maintaining the resource pretty much all the time.  Mike, of Baja fame, and I were able to tag on to one of these trips.  The trip itself begins in the Salt River Canyon on the border of the White Mountain Apache reservation and the San Carlos Apache reservation and ends at Lake Roosevelt.  Altogether it took us three days although I would recommend you take a week if you can because it is an amazing trip.  The following pictures are in chronological order.
River Put In
upper Salt Rapids

Black Rock Falls

Salt River Wilderness
Those Rocks are some of the oldest in the U.S.

Post Boating Refreshment


Side Canyon hike

Lake Roosevelt Bridge

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